This is my file:
test1,30 (# assuming \n is here)
test2,undefined (# assuming \n is here)
test3,5 valid attempts
This is my current code:
## <> arrows suggests input & not shown here
import os
os.system(<file path directory>)
with open(<file path directory>) as openDocument:
openfile =
openfile = openfile .replace("\x00", "").split("\n")
openfile = [openfile .split(",") for openfile in openfile [1:]]
openFinalFile = {policyName.strip(): policyValue.strip() for policyName, policyValue in openFile if policyName != ''} ## Currently causing an error
How do I make it such that if I do print(openFinalFile["test1"]), it'll return the value which is 30 (shown in file)?
Error returned: builtins.ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
I would rather user pathlib
from pathlib import Path
lines = Path(<file path directory>).read_text().replace("\x00", "").splitlines()
pairs = [i.split(',') for i in lines]
openFinalFile = {k.strip(): v.strip() for k, v in pairs if k}