I need to return Mono / Flux for a function but this has 2 nested subscriptions. I am looking for a better solution to publish Mono/Flux only after this 2 subscription values are available then perform some operation to derieve finalValue.
The final Objective is, The subscribers of the function getFinalValue() should be able to subscribe to final value. I have a similar need for Flux also. What should be the best approach to do this?
fun <T> getFinalValue(): Mono<T> {
object1.getValue1().subscribe { value1 ->
object2.getValue2(value1.id).subscribe{ value2 ->
// perform some operation with value 1 and 2
// derieve finalValue
return //I need to return Mono<T> which should publish finalValue to the subscribers of this function.
You can use .cache()
to store value1 and move forward with Mono.zip
Then in zip
you have tuple with value1
and value2
fun <T> getFinalValue(): Mono<T> {
val value1 = object1.getValue1().cache();
val value2 = object1.getValue1().flatMap(value -> object2.getValue2(value));
return Mono.zip(value1, value2)
.flatMap(tuple -> {
// logic with tuple.T1 and tuple.T2