In order to achieve the Bizantine Consensus, these 3 rules must apply: during every round each process must send a bit (with value either 0 or 1) to the others n-1 processes; before the start of a new round each process must have received a bit from every other process; in each round every process has sent his bit to all the other processes.
I need to implement the following Rabin-based, Monte Carlo Byzantine Consensus randomized protocol for 661 non-traitor processes out of 991 total processes:
b(i) = value to send to all other processes, initially = input value
p = global random number which can be either 1 and 0, picked after every run
maj(i) = majority value
tally(i) = number of times majority appears in b(i)
loop = TRUE
while (loop)
1. send b(i) to the other n−1 processes
2. receive the values sent by the other n−1 processes
3. set maj(i) = majority value in b(i)
4. set tally(i) = number of times the majority value appears
5. if tally(i) ≥ 2t + 1
then b(i) = maj(i)
else if (p=1) then b(i) = 1
else b(i) ← 0
My question would be: how can I implement the data structure which stores for every process the bits they have sent and received, not to mention how to implement the sending mechanism itself? I was thinking about implementing an array A.i[j] for each process, where j ranges over all process ids. I have heard it is possible to make processes read the values of the other n-1 processes from such a table instead of implemeneting a sending mechanism; how could I implement this?
I solved this problem by creating a class Process with a Type and vote attribute and a getVote()
at the beginning, it will converge to v
following the protocol)setVote()
: sets the vote.getVote()
: if type is reliable then return the bit else return random number between 0
and 1
.To simulate a distributed algo, you can run the protocol in separate threads, each one containing a process class and communicate with a shared common array which you can update each round.
An example here
You can also simulate everything starting from an array of these objects, without the need of separate threads.
I believe that should be enough to handle the model.
something like this:
export class Process {
constructor(public pid: number, public vote: number, public type: ProcessType ) { }
set(bit: number) { = this.send(bit);
send(b) {
if (this.type === ProcessType.unreliable) {
return Math.round(Math.random());
return b;
get() {
return { pid:, vote:, type: this.type};
getVote() {
return this.send(;
Good luck!