I’m trying to use router.beforeEach() to check a condition before every transition if the user is logged in or not, if not I would like to redirect him to the login page. I’ve tried:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
const requiresAuth = to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth);
const currentUser = store.state.currentUser;
if(requiresAuth && !currentUser) {
} else if(to.path == '/login' && currentUser) {
} else {
but return an error : Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded and this my route:
export const routes = [
{path: '/', component: Main ,meta: {requiresAuth: true},children:[
{path: '/project', component: project , meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/calendrier', component: calendar, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/setting', component: setting, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/client', component: client, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/detail/:id', name: detail , component: detail, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/membre', component: membre, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/test', component: test, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/projectemploye' , component: projectemploye, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '/Chefprojet', component: chef, meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/client/:id' , component: clientdetail, meta: {requiresAuth: true} },
{path: '*' , component: require('./components/404.vue').default , meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/home' , component: home , meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/gantt/:id' , component: gantt, meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/reclamation' , component: reclamation, meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/detailleReclamation/:id' , component: DetailleReclamation, meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/profile/:id' , component: profile , meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/task/:id' , component: task, meta: {requiresAuth: true}},
{path: '/taskdetail/:id' , component: taskdetail, meta: {requiresAuth: true} }
{path: '/login', component: Login},
The route whose path is *
requiresAuth: true
in its metadataThe root route /
must not have requiresAuth: true
in its metadata.
In your case there is no need to list all routes as children of the root route.
If all your routes are protected and only /login
is public - then it would be better to switch your logic from positive to negative. This means that rather then putting requiresAuth: true
on all routes except /login
you should put public: true
in /login
and leave all other routes with empty metadata.
Then instead of checking for meta.requiresAuth
you will check for !meta.public