I'm learning to use python docstring.
>>> print(str.find.__doc__)
S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int
When I print str.find() docstring, I don't understand what this means.
What does S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) mean?
It means that the method find
in String will take in 3 parameters of which 2 are optional.
a = "Hello World"
a.find("World") # returns 6
a.find("World", 4) # returns 6
a.find("World", 4, 6) # returns -1 meaning it cannot be found
Back to your output:
S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int
here refers to the String variable which in my case was a
-> int
means the function outputs an integer which is by default the position of the found word or -1
if not found which in my case was 6
and -1
refers to the word you are looking for which in my case was "World"
and end
refer to the start and end indices as to where to find the string which in my case was 4
and 6