I am trying to login in Azure SQL active password authentication using cloudhsell below is the error I am facing mentioned in the screen shot.I am not able to understand is this the authentication issue or syntax issue in my script.
will open the connection but before that only I am facing issue.
After that I need to exectue the below commands
$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $cxn)
$cmd.CommandTimeout = 120
Objective is to login to Azure SQL using active password auth and write some SQL query and close the connection.This thing I need to do in devops inline script task but it is falling in cloudshell itself.
Error - detail mentioned in the below diagram, please let me know how to correct it.
Kindly let me know is there any other script is there.
I'm not sure if this will fix all your issues, but there is a syntax error there. In your connection string you put authentication="Azure Active Directory"" that is a syntax error because your double quote actually ends the string... get rid of the "" around the azure active directory. like. authentication=Azure Active Directory"; that would at least get rid of the syntax error.