Basically I am playing around with nested lists, and would like for a given input n, to find if n consecutive elements in the list satisfy a predetermined condition.
For example:
n = 3
lst = [[1,2,3],[6,7,8],[4,5,6],[1,3,4,5]]
And I would like to know if there are n consecutive sublists within lst that have length greater than or equal to 3 (Or some other condition). What is the most efficient way to find firstly:
An example output for my illustrative example would be:
index_range = (0,2) #Only need the first instance when n consec achieved
Any help would be greatly appreciated, preferably code which doesn't rely too heavily on inbuilt Python libraries such as itertools or numpy as I am new to Python and would like to better understand how such a process works. Thanks in advance!
different conditionals, one loop, constant memory usage, early exiting
def func(lst, n, condition):
n_consec = 0
if len(lst) < n:
return (False, None)
for i,sub in enumerate(lst):
if condition(sub):
n_consec += 1
if n_consec == n:
return (True, (i-n+1, i))
n_consec = 0
if len(lst) - (i + 1) < n:
return (False, None)
return (False, None)
print(func(lst,n, lambda sub: len(sub) >= n))