Is there any way, using Mockito
or PowerMockito
, to intercept calls to non-static methods of an object, or at least of a singleton object?
An example is provided by the following classes:
public class Singleton {
private static Singleton INSTANCE = null;
private Singleton(Object parameter) {}
public static Singleton getInstance(Object parameter) {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
INSTANCE = new Singleton(parameter);
return INSTANCE;
public String process(String a, String b) {
return (a + b);
// Other methods
public class Foreign {
private Foreign() {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(Singleton.getInstance(new Object()).process("alpha", "beta"));
The Singleton
object is created in a Foreign
class, outside the control of some test code (not shown above). Neither of these two classes can be modified. The objective is to intercept calls to the non-static process()
method in the test code so that, for certain values, a different result is returned, e.g. the call
Singleton.getInstance(new Object()).process("alpha", "beta");
mocked to return "alpha-beta"
instead of the expected "alphabeta"
One solution could be intercepting the Singleton.getInstance()
method to instantiate a custom subclass of the Singleton, e.g. using
public class SubSingleton extends Singleton {
public SubSingleton(Object parameter) {
public String process(String a, String b) {
if ("alpha".equals(a) && "beta".equals(b)) {
return a + "-" + b;
return super.process(a + b);
Then, calls to the Singleton.process()
method would be intercepted as in:
Object parameter = new Object();
PowerMockito.doReturn(new SubSingleton(parameter)).when(Singleton.class, "getInstance", parameter);
However, the Singleton
class above only provides a private constructor, so it cannot be extended. Using PowerMockito.whenNew()
to return a partial mock (spy) will also not work, since the Singleton
class does not provide a no-args constructor.
Can the desired mocking be implemented in any other way? Can it be done for non-singleton classes?
Firstly, you can use whenNew for objects with constructor with some params:
public class SingletonPrivateNewTest {
Singleton singletonMock;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testMockNew() throws Exception {
Mockito.when(singletonMock.process(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn("sasa");
Foreign.main(new String[0]);
Secondly, why not stub getInstance instead of new:
public class SingletonPrivateNewTest {
public void testMockNew() {
Singleton singletonMock = Mockito.mock(Singleton.class);
Mockito.when(singletonMock.process(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn("sasa");
Foreign.main(new String[0]);
Thirdly, to intercept the process method:
public class SingletonPrivateNewTest {
public void testMockNew() {
var singletonReal = Singleton.getInstance(new Object());
var singletonMock = Mockito.mock(Singleton.class);
Mockito.when(singletonMock.process(anyString(), anyString())).thenAnswer((args) -> {
String a = args.getArgument(0);
String b = args.getArgument(1);
if ("alpha".equals(a) && "beta".equals(b)) {
return "sasa";
} else {
return singletonReal.process(a, b);
Foreign.main(new String[0]);
And finally, use a spy instead of a mock
public class SingletonPrivateNewTest {
public void testMockNew() {
var singletonReal = Singleton.getInstance(new Object());
var singletonMock = Mockito.spy(singletonReal);
Mockito.when(singletonMock.process("alpha", "beta")).thenReturn("sasa");
// NOTE: real method is called for other args
Foreign.main(new String[0]);