I have an expo RN app that I was able to successfully upload to TestFlight last month but now is being rejected because of the AppStore's depreciation of the UIWebView version. I have removed all references of UIWebView, I have cleared the cache, I have refreshed the package-lock.json and even force removed all references with grep -r "UIWebView" .
command. Nothing is working. Every time I rebuild my iOs app with Expo and then upload to TestFlight the build fails and throws this generic unhelpful error: This build is invalid.
I get an email with the below slightly more helpful message:
TMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. Learn more
I found one article saying I need to update my expo SDK version to 37 but when I do this my app breaks because I am on an old react native version (v 0.59) and they are not compatible.
I would really hate to rip apart my app, update the RN version, update the expo SDK version to only have the error persist.
Is there a way to get my app on App Store Connect without having to update my RN and expo SDK version in my app.json?
docs I have already looked through: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage -- Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiwebview
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You need to update to SDK 37 to remove all dependencies on UIWebView. See this blog post for more information, in particular under the "UIWebView Removed" heading. https://blog.expo.io/expo-sdk-37-is-now-available-dd5770f066a6