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How to access variables other than @Input params on ngOnChanges in Angular?

I encountered a scenario where i need to do some processing of data on ngOnchanges(as the data is coming through @Input data bound property from parent component). During this transformation i need to use a property initialized in ngOnInit. I tried to use it directly but the value is coming as undefined. Can someone let me know how can i achieve this. Below is an example code for my scenario.

ParentComp HTML
<myParent [data]="list$ | async"></myParent>

ChildComp TS
export class {
  @Input() data : any ; //data from parent
  breakPoint$: Observable<number>

   this.breakPoint$ = fromEvent(this.window, 'resize').pipe(
      map(() => this.numOfCols())

ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    if (changes['data']) {
       // need to do some data processing here based on numOfColumns value, so trying to access

       ) // Here i get cannot read property pipe of undefined error

 numOfCols(): number {
    return this.breakpointObserver.isMatched(`(max-width: 1008px)`) ? 4 : 5;


  • You can add another input propery and move numOfCols$ into the parent component.

    ParentComp HTML

    <myParent [data]="list$ | async"
              [numOfCols]="numOfCols$ | async>

    ParentCom TS

    numOfCols$: Observable<number>;
    constructor(private breakpointObserver: BreakpointObserver) {
       this.numOfCols$ = breakpointObserver.observe('(max-width: 1008px)').pipe(
          map(({matches}) => matches ? 4 : 5)

    ChildComp TS

    @Input() data: any;
    @Input() numOfCols: number;
    ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
        if (changes['data']) {
            // You can use this.numOfCols here