I'm after this[1] article. I would like to know how i can create a similiar structure to this[2] one. Precisely specifing my problem, i want to nest module1/trunk and module2/trunk as subbranches in master branch project1. Visualizing this:
repository/ # Overall repository
+- project1/ # master branch
| +- module1/
| +- trunk/ # branch
| +- module2/
| +- trunk/ # branch
| ...
And another goal i want to achieve is convenient checkouts. Something like:
bzr co bzr+.../repository/project1
- entire project with modules,
bzr co bzr+.../repository/project1/module1/trunk
- only this branch.
I tried to use bzr split/join --reference, but master branch checkout didn't pull any modules (subbranches).
[1] http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/NestedTreesDesign
[2] http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/SharedRepositoryLayouts#project-trunk
Use bzr-externals plugin to achieve that.