Is there a language difference between F# and C# here that is blocking the use of Microsoft Coyote from F# code?
Because the OnEventDoActionAttribute
is defined in the inherited type Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Actor
with a protected access modifier, it looks like it is still accessible in inherited actor types in C# but not so in F#.
Hello world sample converted to F#:
type SetupEvent(serverId : ActorId) =
inherit Event()
member this.ServerId = serverId
type PingEvent(callerId : ActorId) =
inherit Event()
member this.Caller = callerId
type PongEvent() =
inherit Event()
// both attribute spec fail
//[<Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Actor.OnEventDoAction(typeof<PingEvent>, "HandlePing")>] // Error: The type 'OnEventDoActionAttribute' is not accessible from this code location
[<OnEventDoAction(typeof<PingEvent>, "HandlePing")>] // Error: The type 'OnEventDoAction' is not defined
type Server() =
inherit Actor()
member this.HandlePing(e : Event) =
let ping = e :?> PingEvent
printfn "Server handling ping"
printfn "Server sending pong back to caller"
this.SendEvent(ping.Caller, new PongEvent());
// both attribute spec fail
//[<Microsoft.Coyote.Actors.Actor.OnEventDoAction(typeof<PongEvent>, "HandlePong")>] // Error: The type 'OnEventDoActionAttribute' is not accessible from this code location
[<OnEventDoAction(typeof<PongEvent>, "HandlePong")>] // Error: The type 'OnEventDoAction' is not defined
type Client() =
inherit Actor()
let mutable serverId : ActorId = null
override this.OnInitializeAsync(initialEvent : Event) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task =
printfn "%A initializing" this.Id
serverId <- (initialEvent :?> SetupEvent).ServerId
printfn "%A sending ping event to server" this.Id
this.SendEvent(serverId, new PingEvent(this.Id))
member this.HandlePong() =
printfn "%A received pong event" this.Id
let Execute (runtime : IActorRuntime) =
let serverId = runtime.CreateActor(typeof<Server>)
runtime.CreateActor(typeof<Client>, new SetupEvent(serverId)) |> ignore
runtime.CreateActor(typeof<Client>, new SetupEvent(serverId)) |> ignore
runtime.CreateActor(typeof<Client>, new SetupEvent(serverId)) |> ignore
let runtime = RuntimeFactory.Create()
Execute(runtime) |> ignore
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
Not sure what to do in order to work around this issue.
LINQPad document URI to try out the code directly:
Unfortunately, they declared the attribute to be a protected sealed
nested inside Actor
. While F# cannot declare anything as protected
, it can follow access restriction - usually people enforce access restriction for a reason.
The other way you could have done this is to have a top-level class which inherits from Actor
and implement the clients as nested classes. But F# doesn't support nesting classes either.
I don't see any particular reason for it to be declared protected
other than scope pollution.
Probably forking and changing the access modifier is the easiest option right now.