When searching Cygwin packages, latex
yields many packages. In the returned information, the word latex
occurs as a whole word.
I'm puzzled by why the following expressions do not generate any matches:
Even if I was mistaken about what constitutes a basic regular expression (BRE), at least one of these should yield the same results as unadorned latex
What am I missing about BREs and/or the use of them at the Cygwin Package Search site?
The current problem is between the new WebServer and the search script.
You can bypass with proper escaping using directly the URL.
For what I see only the version \blatex\b
Found 364 matches for \blatex\b
R-3.6.0-1 - R: R Statistical computing language
R-3.6.2-1 - R: R Statistical computing language
R-3.6.3-1 - R: R Statistical computing language
TeXmacs-1.99.12-1 - TeXmacs: WYSIWYG editor for science and math