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How do you unit test dataweave code using Mulesoft's Dataweave Assersion Library?

I want to unit test Dataweave code without using the MUnit message processors in Anypoint Studio. I am following this documentation

I've attempted to get the following code to run in a transform processor in a regular flow, as well as in a transform that was inside of an MUnit test flow, neither worked.

%dw 2.0
output application/java
import * from dw::test::Asserts
[1, 4, 7] must beArray()

When ran in a regular flow I get the following error: Reason: Unable to resolve module with identifier dw::test::Asserts..

When ran in an MUnit test flow, the test always passes even if you have a non array in place of [1, 4, 7] causing a logical error.


  • The intended use of the DataWeave Assertions library is in the processor as documented at Using them in a regular Transform processor should not be expected to work.