private func showResults(_ results: [(label: String, confidence:
Float)]?) {
var resultsText = Constants.failedToDetectObjectsMessage
if let results = results {
resultsText = results.reduce("") { (resultString, result) ->
String in
let (label, confidence) = result
return resultString + "\(label): \(String(describing:
resultsAlertController.message = resultsText
resultsAlertController.popoverPresentationController?.sourceRect = self.annotationOverlayView.frame
resultsAlertController.popoverPresentationController?.sourceView = self.annotationOverlayView
present(resultsAlertController, animated: true, completion: nil)
This is the sample code that I have tried. How do i extract the label with the highest confidence value and print it out?
The way to know which label has the highest confidence level is to call max(by:)
on the results
array. See
private func showResults(_ results: [(label: String, confidence: Float)]?) {
if let results = results {
let biggest = results.max { $0.confidence < $1.confidence }
if let biggest = biggest {
let (label, confidence) = biggest
// ...