I have a large dataset with name, age and company.
file.txt :
name firstname1 lastname1
age 30
Company ABC Ltd
name firstname2 lastname2
age 28
Company XYZ Ltd
I need to write a function that will return data structure, given key attribute, provide the corresponding value of the given key.
content <- parseFile("file.txt")
content[1]["name"] # "firstname1 lastname1"
content[1]["age"] # 30
content[1]["Company"] # "ABC Ltd"
content[2]["name"] # "firstname2 lastname2"
content[2]["age"] # 28
content[2]["Company"] # "XYZ Ltd"
Up until now, I inferred that a list of the named vector can be used or
A list of objects can be used.
Or Is there any better way to solve this?
explanation with code example will be helpful
We can use readLines
to get the data, create a delimiter with sub
and create a two column data.frame
df1 <- read.csv(text =sub(" ", ",", dat), header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
If we need to split as a list
lst1 <- split(setNames(as.list(df1$V2), df1$V1), cumsum(df1$V1 == 'name'))
#[1] "firstname1 lastname1"
#[1] "30"
#[1] "28"
dat <- readLines("file.txt")