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How to draw an RDF graph?

I am learning about the semantic web and would like to create an rdf graph of my data

@prefix dbc: <> .
@prefix dbr: <> .
@prefix dbo: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

skos:broader rdf:range skos:Concept ;
owl:inverseOf skos:narrower .

dbc:Jane skos:broader dbc:Singer .

dbr:Jane a dbo:Person ;
dct:subject dbc:Singer ,
dbc:Jane .

skos:Concept a owl:Class .

dbc:Abstract_expressionism skos:narrower dbc:Singer .

Here is my attempt:

RDF Generated Graph

I used an RDF graph generator but I am unsure as to whether the results are accurate, my confusion is it did not include the first dbc line "dbc:Jane skos:broader dbc:Singer ."

Is this a mistake or is this as expected?

(Added Question) I have also used two prefixes for the same entity, is this acceptable practice or do I need to revise my data.


  • The graph as drawn is correct. It does include the statement about dbc:Jane as well. Also note that dbc:Jane and dbr:Jane are completely different entities, since these names "expand" to different URIs.