It apears that either the documentation of scrapyd is wrong or that there is a bug. I want to retrieve the list of spiders from a deployed project. the docs tell me to do it this way:
curl http://localhost:6800/listspiders.json?project=myproject
So in my environment it looks like this:
merlin@192-143-0-9 spider2 % curl http://localhost:6800/listspiders.json?project=crawler
zsh: no matches found: http://localhost:6800/listspiders.json?project=crawler
So the command seems not to be recognised. Lets check the project availability:
merlin@192-143-0-9 spider2 % curl http://localhost:6800/listprojects.json
{"node_name": "", "status": "ok", "projects": ["crawler"]}
Looks OK to me.
Checking the docs again, the other API calls take a parameter not as a GET but in a different way:
curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=myproject -d spider=somespider
Applying this to listspiders:
merlin@192-143-0-9 spider2 % curl http://localhost:6800/listspiders.json -d project=crawler
{"node_name": "", "status": "error", "message": "Expected one of [b'HEAD', b'object', b'GET']"}
Missing the GET parameter. So it looks like we are runnning in circles.
How can one retrieve a list of spiders or version (listversion) with scrapyd?
Maybe the url needs to be wrapped in double-quotes, Try
curl "http://localhost:6800/listspiders.json?project=crawler"