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Large indoor gazebo environment

I'm doing some navigation evaluation in pepper gazebo simulator. So far I've been using my navigation stack on turtlebot3 worlds, but I want to test my stack in a larger environment. Does anyone know are there some lareger already built environments with pre-built map of the environment to use in gazebo? Thanks


  • Gazebo has a fairly large range of built-in worlds you can check through here. One that might suit your purpose in the Willow Garage Office world (shown below). If you have gazebo_ros_pkgs installed, you can launch it like so:

    roslaunch gazebo_ros_pkgs willowgarage_world.launch

    ROS Gazebo Willow Garage Office World

    You can also pick any other world from the folder linked above, and launch it like so:

    roslaunch gazebo_ros_pkgs empty_world.launch --world-name worlds/<world-name>.world