I'm trying to assign the Chinese character 牛 as a char value in C++. On Xcode, I get the error:
"Character too large for enclosing character literal type."
When I use an online IDE like JDoodle or Browxy, I get the error:
"multi-character character constant."
It doesn't matter whether I use char, char16_t, char32_t or wchar_t, it won't work. I thought any Chinese character could at least fit into wchar_t, but this appears not to be the case. What can I do differently?
char letter = '牛';
char16_t character = '牛';
char32_t hanzi = '牛';
wchar_t word = '牛';
All of your character literals are standard char
s. To get a wider type, you need to include the proper prefix on the literal:
char letter = '牛';
char16_t character = u'牛';
char32_t hanzi = U'牛';
wchar_t word = L'牛';