I am running pip freeze
on a python project, it shows string VERSION other than numberical version and it fails the package installation, the warning message is:
weasyprint 43 has requirement cairocffi>=0.9.0, but you'll have cairocffi file-.cairocffi-VERSION which is incompatible.
cairoccffi is a dependency of Weasyprint which i use in my project and weasypring version is correct:
I tried using pipreqs
generates requirements.txt, it didn't show cairocffi package but the package installation fails with the same error.
I checked site-packages folder, it contains
which cause the issue.
Can someone help?
This issue pops up if you have an older version of setuptools installed. You can upgrade to the latest version with pip install --upgrade setuptools
Then, reinstall without using the cache: pip install --no-cache-dir cairocffi