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Removing tcast for tuples

I'm in a bind with a goal equality like this (the details don't matter, I think):

tcast tc0
[tuple of take i (s_bs bs) ++ drop i.+1 (s_bs bs) ++ [:: [ffun⇒ 0]]] 

How do I get rid of the tcast and tuple to go back to simple seq (I tried the val_inj trick, but this didn't seem to remove the type cast)?

Thanks in advance.




  • Giving a precise answer is a bit difficult, since you did not provide any reproducible testcase. But you could try rewriting your goal using the following lemma, once you have applied val_inj.

    Lemma val_tcast {T} m n (tc : n = m) (x : n.-tuple T) :
      val (tcast tc x) = val x.
    Proof. now case tc. Qed.