I want to compare current month data(expenses) with previous month data(expenses) which is store in database datewise. kindly some one guide me please.
I write this command for current month data but did not work for me.
cursor= database.rawQuery("
SELECT amount
FROM Groceryitems
WHERE Strftime('%Y-%m', 'now')
", new String[]{});
There must be a date column in the table Groceryitems
and this column you must check if it contains a date of the current month:
String sql = "SELECT amount FROM Groceryitems WHERE strftime('%Y-%m', datecolumn) = strftime('%Y-%m', 'now')";
cursor= database.rawQuery(sql, null);
Change datecolumn
with the name of the date column in the table.
To get the previous month's data:
String sql = "SELECT amount FROM Groceryitems WHERE strftime('%Y-%m', datecolumn) = strftime('%Y-%m', 'now', '-1 month')";
cursor= database.rawQuery(sql, null);