I want to combine company and workFor variables into one stream, but I don't know how. I tried to use switchMap, zip, merge and concatMapIterable but nothing worked. Or I did something wrong..
My data model:
data class UserCompany(
@field:Json(name = "user") val user: User,
@field:Json(name = "company") val company: Company,
@field:Json(name = "workFor") val workFor: List<Company>
And my current code:
authApi.getCompany(getJwt()) //here I get data that looks like the above model
.flatMapIterable {
return@flatMapIterable it.data.workFor.toMutableList().add(it.data.company) //error Type mismatch
//should returns stream of company and workFor
How to combine two variables from one request using Rx?
Edit, better example. Let's say we have:
data class Pet(val name: String)
data class PetResult(
val myPet: Pet, //dog
val otherPet: List<Pet> //cat, bird, cow
And i wannt to get something like this:
authApi.getPet() // response looks like PetResult (model above)
{ petList.setSuccess(it) }, // should returns dag, cat, bird, cow
{ petList.setError(it.message) }
So, how to merge myPet with otherPet that i get from one API request?
You can achieve the above example like below:
apiClient.getPet.flatMap {
var getListResponse=it;
//From getListResponse you will get Result obj which contain pet and other pet list
var pet=it.getPet()
var petList=it.getPetList()