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cron is added but not executing current time

following is my recipe I am trying to create a new text file with current time and date

cron 'cron_disply_time' do
  minute '*/1'
  command "echo #{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")} > /home/vagrant/learn-cron/cookbooks/t.txt"
  action :create

Its always taking the time when the job was added

*/1 * * * * echo 2020-05-07 14:06 > /home/vagrant/learn-cron/cookbooks/t.txt

can some please let me know how can I make it executable with the recipe only


  • cron 'cron_disply_current_time' do
      minute '*/1'
      command 'NOW=$(date +"%T") && sudo echo "Current time:"  $NOW > /home/vagrant/current_time.txt'
      action :create

    date will show the current date

    NOW=$(date +"%T") will show the time

    sudo echo "Current time:" $NOW > /home/vagrant/current_time.txt' will add "Current time:" 11:14:19 into current_time.txt file