How can I separate AKSampler into a class? For instance:
import AudioKit
import MySampler
final class SoundEngine : ObservableObject {
static let shared = SoundEngine()
let mySampler = MySampler()
init() {
AudioKit.output = AKMixer(noise1, noise2, mySampler)
try AudioKit.start() 60, vel: 127)
import Foundation
import AudioKit
class MySampler : AKPolyphonicNode {
var mySampler1 = AKSampler()
func play(note: MIDINoteNumber, vel: MIDIVelocity) { note, velocity: velocity)
Unfortunately, it doesn't work with both AKNode
or AKPolyphonicNode
like in the example above: Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘’, reason: ‘required condition is false: node != nil’
What I'm doing wrong?
For the SoundEngine.swift:
import AudioKit
final class SoundEngine {
static let shared = SoundEngine()
// Create instance variables of the MySampler objects.
// I renamed them from noise1, noise2, and mySampler1, so that they are descriptive and clear about the intended sounds from each MySampler object.
var kick: MySampler
var snare: MySampler
var hiHat: MySampler
var drumMixer: AKMixer
init() {
// Instantiate MySampler objects
kick = MySampler()
snare = MySampler()
hiHat = MySampler()
// These drum samples are royalty-free from Music Radar:
kick.loadSample(filePath: "CYCdh_K2room_Kick-08")
snare.loadSample(filePath: "CYCdh_K2room_Snr-05")
hiHat.loadSample(filePath: "CYCdh_K2room_ClHat-06")
// Initialize the AudioKit engine settings.
AKSettings.bufferLength = .medium
AKSettings.enableRouteChangeHandling = true
AKSettings.playbackWhileMuted = true
do {
try AKSettings.setSession(category: .playAndRecord, with: [.defaultToSpeaker, .allowBluetooth, .mixWithOthers])
} catch {
AKLog("Could not set session category.")
// Combine the samples into a mixer, so that they can be played together in a single output.
drumMixer = AKMixer(snare, kick, hiHat)
AudioKit.output = drumMixer
// Start the audio engine
try! AudioKit.start()
// MARK: Sample Playback Triggers
// The following functions can be triggered via the button actions from the ViewController.
internal func playKick() {
try! 60, velocity: 127, channel: 0)
internal func playSmare() {
try! 60, velocity: 127, channel: 0)
internal func playHiHat() {
try! 60, velocity: 127, channel: 0)
For MySampler.swift:
import AudioKit
class MySampler: AKMIDISampler {
internal func loadSample(filePath: String) {
do {
try self.loadWav(Constants.sampleDirectoryPath + filePath)
// This will interpolate a string variable path like this: "Sounds/CYCdh_K2room_Kick-08"
} catch {
print("Could not locate the wav file.")
I also added a Constant, so that you could just provide the audio file name, and not have to include the directory path.
struct Constants {
static let sampleDirectoryPath = "Sounds/"
I created a GitHub project for your reference: