Hi I am using two table student and student_address having common column id as uid in both table(that can't be changed in any condition)
I am using class StudentAndAddress as
public class StudentAndAddress{
private Student student;
@Embedded(prefix = "type_")
private StudentAddress studentAddress;
public Address getStudent() {
return student;
public void setStudent(Student student) {
this.student = student;
public StudentAddress getStudentAddress() {
return studentAddress;
public void setStudentAddress(StudentAddress studentAddress) {
this.studentAddress = studentAddress;
and query i am using as:
@Query("SELECT * FROM student INNER JOIN student_address ON student.uid == student_address.address_uid and address_link.linkto_type==:linkToType")
LiveData<List<StudentAndAddress>> getStudentAndAddress(String linkToType);
I am getting value of first table but not getting value of second table. In database both table are there
In room we need to solve this type of queries using relation
public class StudentAndAddress{
private StudentAddress studentAddress;
parentColumn = "address_uid",
entityColumn = "uid",
entity = Student.class
private Student student;
public Address getStudent() {
return student;
public void setStudent(Student student) {
this.student = student;
public StudentAddress getStudentAddress() {
return studentAddress;
public void setStudentAddress(StudentAddress studentAddress) {
this.studentAddress = studentAddress;
and query we need to write is:-
@Query("SELECT * FROM student_address WHERE linkto_type==:linkToType")
LiveData<List<StudentAndAddress>> getStudentAndAddress(String linkToType);