we are migrating from Artifactory towards Azure Artifacts. In Artifactory we have quite deep repository structure and hierarchies.
Now I am wondering how I can realize such structures/hierarchies in Azure Artifacts.
From what I have seen there are only feeds that are in a plain list.
Thank you
Added some more description:
We are developing software products and want to deliver them to the artifact storage. We have a platform product and multple variants of the base product for different customers and different hardware architectures. In Artifactory we have defined a structure so that we can easily browse and find the right variant of the product. Something like this:
Prod Pf Arm
Prod Pf Intel
Product V1
Product V2
Prod V3
Azure Artifacts doesn't have same repository structure and hierarchies like what Artifactory has.
In Azure Devops, we use Organization + Project to manage the work. So in most scenarios, each project is corresponding to one module of one big product and the organization represents a big product. Or sometimes a project represents a product in which repos within it represents sub-modules of the project-level product.
Then Azure Devops provides Organization-Scoped Feed and Project-Scoped to manage the packages for the projects and organizations. We can set permissions in Feed Settings to determine who can access our feed, also UpStream sources is a good option to create a bridge between feeds. (If feedB is feedA's upstream source, then people who can access FeedA, can access FeedB indirectly via FeedA).
You can find the structure in Azure Artifacts is quite different from that in Artifactory. You can learn more about Azure Artifacts from these documents. Hope it helps :)