I use the MouseWheel Smooth Scroll plugin in Wordpress all the time for my sites. It always works. A week ago, I started a new site and noticed that smooth scrolling wasn't working on it. Today I tried fixing it and just can't understand what the problem is. I used the theme Shapely and MouseWheel Smooth Scroll just two weeks ago and that site is working fine: https://xharris.com I even installed a new wp site 30 minutes ago to test with demo content.....and it still doesn't work!! Infact, NO smooth scrolling plugin works. I can't figure this out.
Here's what works and what doesn't: Smooth with anchors: yes. Smooth with back to top: yes. General mouse scroll up and down: no.
Where am I going wrong??? You can see it NOT working here https://xharris.com/porto
**i know the 'anchors' and 'to top' work because i tested them on another site really quick with other plugins. unfortunatley....i don't need them. i just need mousewheel scrolling to be smooth..
If you check the browser console on the proto site, you can see that for whatever reason allowedBrowsers is undefined on the SmoothScroll script:
SmoothScroll.min.js?ver=1.4.10:formatted:350 Uncaught ReferenceError: allowedBrowsers is not defined
at SmoothScroll.min.js?ver=1.4.10:formatted:350
at SmoothScroll.min.js?ver=1.4.10:formatted:351
at SmoothScroll.min.js?ver=1.4.10:formatted:384
You'll need to modify it to add this variable into either the script or add a script that adds this variable before the SmoothScroll script is loaded.
In the current site, this is the value that it currently has:
var allowedBrowsers=["IEWin7","Chrome","Safari"];
Edit: After looking closer at your website, it seems like it is loading some scripts over HTTP instead of HTTPS and Chrome is blocking these scripts from being loaded for security reasons. This is the reason why SmoothScroll isn't working I believe. Please make sure the following scripts are being loaded by changing the "http" part to "https":