I've been working on binary insertion sort and I came across a problem.It keeps telling me that "NoneType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer" at the "binary_insertion_sort" function before the second for loop. Can anyone explain what's wrong with my code and tell me if there's any logic error in it?
def binary_search(n, bin_list, low, high):
if high - low <= 1:
if n < bin_list[low]:
return low - 1
elif n > bin_list[high]:
return high + 1
elif n == bin_list[low]:
return low
elif n== bin_list[high]:
return high
return low+1
mid = (low+high)//2
if n < bin_list[mid]:
binary_search(n, bin_list, 0, mid-1)
elif n > bin_list[mid]:
binary_search(n, bin_list, mid+1, high)
return mid
the binary_insertion_sort part
def binary_insertion_sort(text):
sorted_list = text.split()
for num in range(1, len(sorted_list)):
unsorted = sorted_list[num]
index = binary_search(unsorted, sorted_list, 0, len(sorted_list)-1)
for j in range(num, index, -1):
sorted_list[j] = sorted_list[j-1]
sorted_list[index-1] = num
return sorted_list
a = binary_insertion_sort('1 2 3 4 5')
I think you are missing the returns for the recursive cases in the binary_search function.
As the function enters one of the first two cases in the last if:
if n < bin_list[mid]:
binary_search(n, bin_list, 0, mid-1)
elif n > bin_list[mid]:
binary_search(n, bin_list, mid+1, high)
return mid
You are assigning None (the function return type) to the index var. You should try using:
if n < bin_list[mid]:
return binary_search(n, bin_list, 0, mid-1)
elif n > bin_list[mid]:
return binary_search(n, bin_list, mid+1, high)
return mid