curUser.password = newPassword;
curUser.passwordConfirm = passwordConfirm;
I have this code to be executed in this function :
exports.updatePassword = catchAsync(async (req, res, next) => {
// 1-) Get user from the collection
const { currentPassword, newPassword, passwordConfirm } = req.body;
const curUser = await User.findById('+password');
if (!curUser) {
return next(new AppError('Token is invalid !', 404));
// 2-) Check if posted current password is correct
if (!(await curUser.correctPassword(curUser.password, currentPassword))) {
return next(new AppError('Password is incorrect !', 401));
curUser.password = newPassword;
curUser.passwordConfirm = passwordConfirm;
//findByIdAndUpdate yerine save ederek kullanmamızın sebebi oluşturmuş olduğumuz pre middlewareleri ile validatorların update işleminde
//çalışmayacak olması
//3-) Log user in, send JWT
createTokenAndSend(200, res, curUser._id);
And above that ı have one middleware in userModel to create passwordChangedAt in database when user updated his password :
userSchema.pre('save', async function(next) {
if (!this.isModified('password') || this.isNew) return next();
//Eğer yeniyse bu fonksiyonu çalıştırmamasını ve direk diğer middleware'e geçmesini belirttik
this.passwordChangedAt = - 1000;
So, problem is why this middleware method is has to be async. When ı remove the 'asycn' before that pre middleware funcitonı got an error in postman. Actually is not error just posmtan cant get any response like that : This is the image of that
So, why am ı getting that problem when ı remove the async from that pre middleware ?
Your middleware needs to either call the next
function or return a promise (that eventually resolves), otherwise it will never be considered "done", leading to your never ending request. (
If you look at your middleware, it shows that you are not calling next if !this.isModified('password') || this.isNew
evaluates to false. Therefore, if the middleware does not return a promise, it will never be considered done.
Using async
converts your function to return a promise, thereby obeying the contract of the middleware.
Alternatively, try removing async
and add next();
to the end of the function after updating passwordChangedAt