I have a lot of files located in Amazon Glacier (the pre-S3 version, and have been uploading files using FastGlacier for years.) I would now like to move these files to the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class to take advantage of better pricing, and am trying to figure out the best way to do so. (It is my understanding that the pre-S3 Glacier does not offer the deep archive storage class, but I am happy to be wrong.)
Is there any way I can restore my files from Glacier directly to an S3 account/bucket/whatever, so I can avoid the bandwidth usage associated with downloading everything to my house, only to re-upload it to the cloud? Or is that my only option?
You can fire up an EC2 or Lightsail instance, with a public IP address, in the same AWS region as your Glacier vault and new bucket and do all the download/upload from there, avoiding the bandwidth costs since the charges are for the traffic to leave the AWS region -- and with a compute instance in the same region, that wouldn't apply.
There is no mechanism for directly transferring content from one service to the other, and you are correct... the legacy Glacier service does not appear to support deep archive.