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How do I remove the elipsis for a custom UITypeEditor that is read-only?

I have two fields that are of the same type in my property-grid. However, one is read-only, the other is editable.

Both of these fields are of a custom type, and thus have a custom UITypeEditor, which puts the elipsis ([...]) button on the field.

     CategoryAttribute("5 - Wind"),
     DisplayName("Factored Area"),
     Description("The factored area for the segment."),
     EditorAttribute(typeof(umConversionTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
public FactoredAreaClass FactoredArea { ... }

     CategoryAttribute("5 - Wind"),
     DisplayName("Factored Area Modifier"),
     Description("The factored area modifier."),
     EditorAttribute(typeof(umConversionTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
public FactoredAreaClass FactoredAreaMod { ... }

In this example, FactoredAreaMod is available to be edited, but BOTH have the elipsis, which will cause great confusion with the users. Any way to turn that off??


  • Use the ReadOnly attribute. This marks it as design-time read-only while keeping it read/write for runtime use.

    Also, you should either apply the Editor attribute to the type rather than the properties. There's no gain in applying it to a property if you don't want that property to be editable.