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Does ThreadPoolExecutor in python really work

I am trying to write faster python code using multiple threads. I don't wanna use ProcessPoolExecutor for memory consumption preserving.

So, When I use which maps an iterator to a function. It's really not working the time taken by the code is not really enhanced. Then I read about GIL in python, my question is: If GIL is applied to all, why they create, or is there any better idea to use

Please find an example that I use to understand this process. I am happy to hear suggestions in how to use multiple threads for iterator and not multiple process, since my memory card is and cpus are not that high.

import concurrent.futures
import math


def is_prime(n):
    if n < 2:
        return False
    if n == 2:
        return True
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return False

    sqrt_n = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(n)))
    for i in range(3, sqrt_n + 1, 2):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

def main():
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 4) as executor:
        future=, PRIMES)


if __name__ == '__main__':


  • As you noted, the GIL means that only 1 CPU can be used at a time and there's only 1 "real" thread. So using a thread pool will not speed up CPU-bound code. However, many of the functions in the standard library and other 3rd party libraries will voluntarily release the GIL if they get blocked on I/O.

    For example, if you have code trying to download lots of things from the internet you could you a Python thread pool. When one thread makes a request to download something and is waiting for the response it can (depending on what library you use to make your HTTP requests) release the GIL and give another thread a chance to run. That means you could make many, many requests before any of them complete and then each Python thread will be woken up again when their response is available. That kind of Python multi-threading can result in a huge performance improvement.