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Run Hasura without Docker

I'm looking for the way to run Hasura without Docker, but can't find any way to do that - is there any option to achieve that?

Have a negative experience with Prisma in Docker, would like to try Hasura, but no, please, no Docker.

Any help would be much appreciated!


  • You can run the GraphQL Engine as a binary by building the Haskell executable with Cabal following the instructions here:

    You'll need to download and install GHC 8.6.5 and Cabal, which if you read the instructions, can be done using ghcup:

    After following the previous instructions to compile, you can run the engine without Docker with the following:

    cabal new-run -- exe:graphql-engine \
      --database-url='postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>' \
      serve --enable-console --console-assets-dir=../console/static/dist