I'm looking for the way to run Hasura without Docker, but can't find any way to do that - is there any option to achieve that?
Have a negative experience with Prisma in Docker, would like to try Hasura, but no, please, no Docker.
Any help would be much appreciated!
You can run the GraphQL Engine as a binary by building the Haskell executable with Cabal following the instructions here:
You'll need to download and install GHC 8.6.5 and Cabal, which if you read the instructions, can be done using ghcup
After following the previous instructions to compile, you can run the engine without Docker with the following:
cabal new-run -- exe:graphql-engine \
--database-url='postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>' \
serve --enable-console --console-assets-dir=../console/static/dist