I have to find 4 the biggest numbers in a const vector and return their positions. I want this code to have the best time and space complexity. My first idea is to copy this const vector into vector and bubble sort it 4 times. That gives me 4*N but i have to create a vector. Second idea is to put everything from this const vector into priority_queue. That gives me a N*log2(N) time complexity without creating another variables. The maximum of N is around 100.
Is there any other options to do it in the fastest and the least space-consuming way?
EDIT: It doesn't matter which one is the biggest, I just need to return position of this 4 items in the input vector.
You can implement this quite easily with an extra vector
, and the nth_element
algorithm, which is O(n)
std::vector<int> const v = ...;
// create a vector of elements with original indexes
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> res;
// populate the result vector
int k = 0;
for (int i : v)
// find the maximum 4 elements
std::nth_element(res.begin(), res.begin() + 4, res.end(),
[](auto const &a, auto const &b) { return a.first > b.first; });
Here's a demo.
Note that this solution uses O(n)
extra space. If N
grows large, then this might not be the right approach for finding just 4
largest elements. It's still a good approach if you want the M
largest elements, where M
grows like N