I'm following the tutorial on https://postgrest.org/en/v5.0/auth.html#jwt-from-sql
I created this function:
create or replace function
login(email text, pass text) returns basic_auth.jwt_token
language plpgsql
as $$
_role name;
result basic_auth.jwt_token;
-- check email and password
select basic_auth.user_role(email, pass) into _role;
if _role is null then
raise invalid_password using message = 'invalid user or password';
end if;
select sign(
row_to_json(r), 'reallyreallyreallyreallyverysafe'
) as token
from (
select _role as role, login.email as email,
extract(epoch from now())::integer + 60*60 as exp
) r
into result;
return result;
When I try to do the login request, I get the following error message:
{ "hint": "No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.", "details": null, "code": "42883", "message": "function public.sign(json, unknown) does not exist" }
I don't see the sign function anywhere in the tutorial, does anyone know what is going on here?
The sign function is created when you install pgjwt.
Also, make sure that you install the extension on a schema that is included in your search_path(a list of imported schemas). This can be specified by doing CREATE EXTENSION pgjwt WITH SCHEMA public
PostgREST adds the public
schema by default on the search_path
, so the extension should work with no additional config.