Can someone help me with this python circular import?
The file
imports elementary_process_schema
. And the file
imports measurement_schema
I need to use the referenced class in the last line of each declared class. e.g.: The last line of elementary_processes = fields.Nested(ElementaryProcessSchema, many=True)
Full code:
from marshmallow import fields
from api import ma
from api.model.schema.elementary_process_schema import ElementaryProcessSchema
class MeasurementSchema(ma.Schema):
id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
name = fields.Str()
description = fields.Str()
created_on = fields.Str()
elementary_processes = fields.Nested(ElementaryProcessSchema, many=True)
from marshmallow import fields
from api import ma
from api.model.schema.ar_rl_schema import ARRLSchema
from api.model.schema.data_item_schema import DataItemSchema
from api.model.schema.elementary_process_type_schema import ElementaryProcessTypeSchema
from api.model.schema.measurement_schema import MeasurementSchema
class ElementaryProcessSchema(ma.Schema):
id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
name = fields.Str()
operation = fields.Str()
reference = fields.Str()
created_on = fields.Str()
elementary_process_type = fields.Nested(ElementaryProcessTypeSchema)
data_itens = fields.Nested(DataItemSchema, many=True)
AR_RLs = fields.Nested(ARRLSchema, many=True)
measurement = fields.Nested(MeasurementSchema)
I know there are many topics about that issue. However, I cannot solve my specific circular reference issue.
This is a common problem with ORMs and with python it's often solved the same way: you identify the relationship by name (string) instead of reference (class/instance). It's well documented in marshmallows doc here:
in short, try something like this (I have 0 experience with marshmallow, so this is in no way tested):
elementary_processes = fields.Nested(ElementaryProcessSchema, many=True)
# would become:
elementary_processes = fields.Nested("ElementaryProcessSchema", many=True)
measurement = fields.Nested(MeasurementSchema)
# becomes:
measurement = fields.Nested("MeasurementSchema")