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Downloading YouTube videos via a Python script

I am trying to use this script to download YouTube videos using Python.

Currently I use this as follows

youtube-dl ""

In the documentation they have written that I can use these

id: The sequence will be replaced by the video identifier.
url: The sequence will be replaced by the video URL.
uploader: The sequence will be replaced by the nickname of the person who uploaded the video.
upload_date: The sequence will be replaced by the upload date in YYYYMMDD format.
title: The sequence will be replaced by the literal video title.
stitle: The sequence will be replaced by a simplified video title, restricted to alphanumeric characters and dashes.
ext: The sequence will be replaced by the appropriate extension (like flv or mp4).
epoch: The sequence will be replaced by the Unix epoch when creating the file.
autonumber: The sequence will be replaced by a five-digit number that will be increased with each download, starting at zero.`enter code here`

They have not written how can I use that.

How can I use to have the video file name same as title?

They told to use this, but I don't know how to use this on the command line.



  • In the bottom of the documentation, it says how:

    The -o option allows users to indicate a template for the output file names. The basic usage is not to set any template arguments when downloading a single file, like in youtube-dl -o funny_video.flv "http://some/video". However, it may contain special sequences that will be replaced when downloading each video. The special sequences have the format %(NAME)s. To clarify, that's a percent symbol followed by a name in parenthesis, followed by a lowercase S. Allowed names are: ...

    You run the command like this to use those special output parameters:

    youtube-dl "" -o "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s."