I have seen there is a .valueChanges() and .snapshotChanges() which both listen to changes in the database but what if I want to retrieve the data just once? I noticed that adding .pipe(take(1)) at the end of .valueChanges() or .snapshotChanges() works but is it the same as .get() function that firebase firestore provides in admin sdk and mobile sdk for Android and iOS?
What I'm doing
this.items = this.itemCollection.valueChanges().pipe(take(1));
What I'm expecting
this.items = this.itemCollection.get();
PS: I'm new to react.
If you are looking for a way to do it without using react, you can call the get() method on the ref instead of the collection item.
this.itemCollection.ref.get().then((querySnap) => {
//use your data here
this.itemCollection.get() returns an observable of type QuerySnapshot that you can subscribe to
this.itemCollection.get().subscribe((querySnap) => {