Search code examples

Points only in the central line

I am using this example named "Line Chart with Point Markers" as reference, but not see other example or any clues about conditional or "selected by symbol" points.

The illustration shows a typical case (see also SPC) where I need only the blue central line with dots.

enter image description here


  • You can do this by layering filtered versions of the dataset. Modifying the example you linked to, it might look something like this (vega editor):

      "$schema": "",
      "description": "Stock prices of 5 Tech Companies over Time.",
      "data": {"url": "data/stocks.csv"},
      "encoding": {
        "x": {"timeUnit": "year", "field": "date", "type": "temporal"},
        "y": {"aggregate": "mean", "field": "price", "type": "quantitative"},
        "color": {"field": "symbol", "type": "nominal"}
      "layer": [
          "mark": {"type": "line", "point": true},
          "transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol == 'GOOG'"}]
          "mark": {"type": "line"},
          "transform": [{"filter": "datum.symbol != 'GOOG'"}]

    enter image description here