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How to pass dynamic values to an environment block during the pipeline execution in Jenkins?

This is related to one question I asked before: Using groovy to parse JSON object in shell scripts for Jenkin

basically I will need to pass a dynamic value as returned from sh scripts to an environment block, so that the following stage can re-use that value and pass the version as a label to JIRA plugin called Xray. But I aware that I cannot pass dynamic values to an environment block during the pipeline execution. So, I think I am going to need try a different route for that, not sure if anyone could give me some tips please?

def setLatestAppVersionLabel() {
  def response = sh(script: "curl --silent ${APP_ARTIFACTORY_URL}/${XRAY_PLATFORM}/builds/latest.json", returnStdout: true).trim() as String
  def jsonResponse = readJSON text: response

JSON response looks like that:


and there is an environment block where I would like to pass the value to one of the variable defined there@

environment {
        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = 'uk-xxx'
        XRAY_ENVIRONMENT = 'e2e'
        VERSION_KEY = 'id'
        XRAY_PLATFORM = 'Android'
        LATEST_VERSION = ''

If this path not working, what else could I use? Want to re-use the latest version taken from JSON response for the next stage in the pipeline to use. Next stage looks like this:

stage('Import Result to Xray') {
            when {
                expression { return fileExists('xxx-executor/target/AndroidxxxxE2EResults/cucumber-reports/Cucumber.json')}
            steps {
                xrayResultsImport('xxx-executor/target/AndroidxxxxxE2EResults/cucumber-reports/Cucumber.json', 'xxx_ANDROID_E2E_xxxxxxx_Tests', XRAY_LABELS, ['E2E', 'Android', LATEST_VERSION], env.BUILD_URL)

Sorry I have to put xxxx to make this question general due to project confidentiality.


  • To put it simple, you want to use the version you fetched from a JSON response and want to use it in all stages of your Jenkins pipeline.

    Ensure you've jq utility installed in your jenkins agent.

    pipeline {
       agent any  
       environment {
       stages {
            stage(‘Get Version ') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        XRAY_LATEST_VERSION = sh(script: 'curl -s ${APP_ARTIFACTORY_URL}/${XRAY_PLATFORM}/builds/latest.json | jq .version | sed \'s/"//g\'', returnStdout: true).trim()
                    echo "${XRAY_LATEST_VERSION}"

    You can use the variable ${XRAY_LATEST_VERSION} in any stages you want the and the value will be rendered across.