I am using react syncfusion chart , so i have requirement to show a logo inside graph , i am trying with Annotation directive also but not able to show in the graph. If any one have idea about it
We have analysed your query. We suggest you to render the title inside a graph as annotation. We have prepared sample for your reference. Please check with the below sample and code snippet.
import { ChartAnnotation, AnnotationsDirective, AnnotationDirective } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
<ChartComponent >
<Inject services={[ChartAnnotation]}/>
<AnnotationDirective content='<div id="chart_title_annotation" style="font-size:15px; font-style=Segoe UI"> Inflation - Consumer Price</div>' region='Chart' coordinateUnits='Pixel' x='50%' y='10%'>
Regards, Durga G