I was finicking around with youtube-dl and ended up downloading a video that youtube-dl wasn't able to merge the generated audio and video. After some investigation, I found that there was an issue in my ffmpeg config.
Normally, if you actually run youtube-dl a second time after fixing ffmpeg, it will automatically merge the files for you. But as fate would have it, the online video has since been deleted so youtube-dl freaks out.
Fortunately ffmpeg itself can also merge audio and video files, but loses a very nice feature youtube-dl's implementation has, keeping the creation time of the files (i.e. creation rather than download or publication time).
Is there any way to merge an audio and video file and keep the creation/last modified date?
Here's my own solution on a Mac OS (should work on any UNIX), partially adapted from https://superuser.com/a/277667/776444:
I'm sure there's a way to do this using only FFMPEG but I ended up using touch:
ffmpeg -i originalVideo.mp4 -i originalAudio.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a aac combined.mp4
touch -r originalVideo.mp4 combined.mp4
Using these, I was able to change the file creation time for combined.mp4 to 28 April 2020, to match originalVideo.mp4.