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Matrix display row wise

I know the default ArrayItems-Tag can handle matrices, but I find the result insufficient.

Given this example

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>

struct matrix {
  int height;
  int width;
  double* values;

int main() {
  double* values = (double*)malloc(5 * 2 * sizeof(double));
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) values[i] = i * 2;
  matrix m = { 5, 2, values };

  return 0;

With this natvis

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<AutoVisualizer xmlns="">
  <Type Name="matrix">
    <DisplayString>{{Shape [{height} x {width}]}}</DisplayString>
          <Variable Name="i" InitialValue="0" />
            <Break Condition="i == height" />
            <Item>(values + (i * width)), 2</Item>

Results in this output, which is nearly perfect. enter image description here

  • I wish the addresses wouldn't be shown
  • I wish I could give a custom format specifier for the elements ( something like %.2f )

But I cheated in my natvis. I wrote <Item>(values + (i * width)), 2</Item> The 2 being the width of the row. But if I write width instead of the 2 it puts out 2 instead of the rows. It apparently prints the value of width, which is not helpful.

enter image description here

Anyone know how I can make these rows variable sized?


  • Try [width] nag:

    <Item>(values + (i * width)), [width] nag</Item>
    • The [size] - expand fixed-size array,
    • na - "no address" - suppress address,
    • g - for better view of floating point data.