Looking at the docs for KeyedCollection
i read the following::
The KeyedCollection class provides both O(1) indexed retrieval and keyed retrieval that approaches O(1).
I do not fully understand what this means. I personally would think that indexed retrieval and keyed retrieval are the same since a dictionary indexes by keys. I feel a bit vague about the terms 'indexed retrieval' and 'keyed retrieval' altogether i suppose.
So what's the difference, and why is the complexion different?
Additional info:
I personally would like to use the keyedCollection
because I have a list that will be added to a lot. Now and then i need to fetch an item by an id - a Guid
and return some data. I also periodically will go through the list and delete any items i no longer use.
/// <summary>
/// A collection of leases. Implements <see cref="KeyedCollection{TKey,TItem}"/> which is a dictionary-list hybrid.
/// </summary>
public class LeaseInfoCollection : KeyedCollection<Guid, LeaseInfo>
#region Construction and Destruction
/// <inheritdoc />
public LeaseInfoCollection()
/// <inheritdoc />
public LeaseInfoCollection(IEqualityComparer<Guid> comparer)
: base(comparer)
/// <inheritdoc />
public LeaseInfoCollection(IEqualityComparer<Guid> comparer, int dictionaryCreationThreshold)
: base(comparer, dictionaryCreationThreshold)
#region Overrides of KeyedCollection<string,LeaseInfo>
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override Guid GetKeyForItem(LeaseInfo item)
return item.LeaseId;
The answer to this question is in the next paragraph of the documentation:
class is a hybrid between a collection based on theIList<T>
generic interface and a collection based on theIDictionary<TKey,TValue>
generic interface. Like collections based on theIList<T>
generic interface,KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>
is an indexed list of items. Like collections based on theIDictionary<TKey,TValue>
generic interface,KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem>
has a key associated with each element.
From this paragraph we can learn that we can access elements of the KeyedCollection
collection using their ordinal indexes or their keys.
Here is sample (based on the sample from MSDN) to show these two approaches to retrieve elements of KeyedCollection
public class OrderItem
public OrderItem(string partNumber) => PartNumber = partNumber;
public string PartNumber { get; }
// Custom KeyedCollection.
public class SimpleOrder : KeyedCollection<string, OrderItem>
// Here we define how to get Key from Item for our custom KeyedCollection.
protected override string GetKeyForItem(OrderItem item) => item.PartNumber;
internal static class Program
private static void Main()
KeyedCollection<string, OrderItem> kc = new SimpleOrder();
kc.Add(new OrderItem("#0"));
kc.Add(new OrderItem("#1"));
// Retrieve item by index.
// Retrieve item by key.