I'm calling a component recursively in accordion to show tree like structure.
The code is working for short input but it is lagging on recursive calls for nested data
It is just like a json tree.
<app-tree [input]="data"></app-tree>
<mat-expansion-panel hideToggle="true" (click)="toggleTree($event, input)">
<ul class="main-obj"> // tried *ngIf here
<div class="obj-list" *ngFor="let item of input.value; trackBy: trackChanges">
{{item.key}}: {{item.value}}
<li style="list-style: none; margin-left: -40px;">
<app-tree [input]="item"></app-tree>
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
selector: 'app-tree',
templateUrl: './tree.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./tree.component.css']
export class TreeComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() input: any;
@Output() click = new EventEmitter();
toggleTree(event, toggleButton) {
if(toggleButton.buttonName == 'add')
toggleButton.buttonName = 'remove';
toggleButton.buttonName = 'add';
trackChanges = (index) => {
return index;
I've tried placing ngIf (as shown in the code before ngFor) but is not that much effective.
Is there any way to load component when opening accordion?
Answering to your question:
Is there any way to load component when opening accordion?
Yes, there is, but I'm not sure it's gonna solve a lagging problem. Anyway, try to wrap the expansion panel's content in a ng-template
containing the matExpansionPanelContent
attribute. It'll lazy load its content (see the docs).
<mat-expansion-panel hideToggle="true" (click)="toggleTree($event, input)">
<ng-template matExpansionPanelContent>
<ul class="main-obj"> // tried *ngIf here
<div class="obj-list" *ngFor="let item of input.value; trackBy: trackChanges">
<li>{{item.key}}: {{item.value}}</li>
<li style="list-style: none; margin-left: -40px;">
<app-tree [input]="item"></app-tree>