I have been trying to follow along with a tutorial, but have been getting the error in the title when I try to click create a game in a client window. I ended up copying and pasting the code into pycharm and still got the same error. I've linked the website where the tutorial's source code can be found.
Apparently your game client cannot get connection to server.
n = Network()
player = int(n.getP()) # <<< here you got an exception
class Network:
def __init__(self):
self.client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server = ""
self.port = 5555
self.addr = (self.server, self.port)
self.p = self.connect() # <<< this value is of None type
def getP(self):
return self.p
def connect(self):
return self.client.recv(2048).decode() # << somewhere here an exception occures
except: # <<< but it gets cought here
pass # <<< and method returns None
Are you sure you have your server running? You must run it in separate console window simultaniously with client.