I would like to automate selecting of values in one column - Step_ID. Insted of defining which Step_ID i would like to filter (shown in the code below) i would like to define, that the first Step_ID and the last Step_ID are being to excluded.
df = df.set_index(['Step_ID'])
Is there any option to exclude the first and last value in the column? In this example Step_1 and Step_25. Or include all values expect of the first and the last value? In this example Step_2-Step_24.
The reason for this is that files have different numbers of ''Step_ID''. Since I don't have to redefine it all the time I would like to have a solution that simplify filtering of those. It is necessary to exclude the first and last value in the column 'Step_ID', but the number of the STEP_IDs is always different.
By Step_1 - Step_X, I need to have Step_2 - Step_(X-1).
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Step_ID': ['Step_1','Step_1','Step_2','Step_2','Step_3','Step_4','Step_5',
'B': list(range(9))})
print (df)
Step_ID B
0 Step_1 0
1 Step_1 1
2 Step_2 2
3 Step_2 3
4 Step_3 4
5 Step_4 5
6 Step_5 6
7 Step_6 7
8 Step_6 8
Select all index values without first and last index values extracted by slicing df.index[[0, -1]]
df = df.set_index(['Step_ID'])
df = df.loc[~df.index.isin(df.index[[0, -1]].tolist())]
print (df)
Step_2 2
Step_2 3
Step_3 4
Step_4 5
Step_5 6