My first post here! I am setting up a woocommerce registration (the one which appears on the checkout page). I am using a plugin by Extendons: WooCommerce Custom Registration Fields Plugin which has everything but unfortunately I can't set the vaildation of some fields. Basically I have fields for registration numbers for doctors and nurse. The Doctor number needs to be validated (by regex probably) only if it is exactly 7 numbers (any numbers). The Nurses have this exact format: 00(Letter)0000(letter): o = any letter. The different registration number fields appear conditionally on whether Doctor or Nurse is selected. The plugin achieves all this no problem though.
I would be graeful if anyone could provide some insight or at least point me in the right direction as my php knowledge is limited. Thanks!
If you are trying to match only numbers that are 7 digits long, just add a trailing anchor using $, like this:
That will match any number that is exactly 7 digits long.
$re = "/^(\d{7})$/";
$test_input_doctor = "1234567"; // valid scenario
//$test_input_doctor = "12345678"; //invalid scenario, you can test it as well by just commenting out this line
if (preg_match($re, $test_input_doctor))
echo "valid doctor id";
echo "invalid doctor id";